English ivy (Hedera helix)

English ivy in Englewood 2020_credit CoosWA


No need to report!

Info about control and management of ivy:


ODA video on the different types of ivy:

Photo gallery

How to recognize

Everything you need to know about English ivy is here: https://www.oregon.gov/oda/programs/weeds/oregonnoxiousweeds/pages/aboutoregonweeds.aspx#english-ivy

Here are a few important details from our Weed of the Month profile for ivy:


And here’s how to distinguish English ivy from the similar-looking but highly invasive cape ivy:


*****If you see any vine-like plants resembling cape ivy, make sure to report it ASAP! Read more about cape ivy (currently only found in Curry County) HERE.

What to do if you find it

No need to report sightings of English/Atlantic ivy. For tips on how to manage populations, visit https://catalog.extension.oregonstate.edu/sites/catalog/files/project/pdf/ec1595.pdf

Or reach out to your local watershed council or Soil and Water Conservation District.

Additional Information

Most of us are used to recognizing English when it’s in its juvenile stages and the leaves are highly veined and have three lobes. But when the plant starts to get enough light, and is ready to produce flowers, its leaves lose their lobed shape and veins and can look remarkably different from the previous stage.

All Flower Colors
  • All Flower Colors
  • Orange & Yellow
  • Pink & Purple
  • White & Green
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English ivy in Englewood 2020_credit CoosWA

English ivy (Hedera helix)

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