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Upcoming opportunities
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The South Coast CWMA’s purpose is to facilitate collaboration across communities for more effective management of noxious weeds in Coos and Curry Counties. Protecting working lands, timber, recreation areas, and fish and wildlife habitat is at the center of our mission, and to accomplish this, we need your help! As a cooperative, we rely heavily on relationships and partnerships to accomplish our goals. If you’d like to help protect our fragile South Coast landscapes from the spread of noxious weeds, please consider joining us in any of the following ways:
Attend a public meeting
At least twice a year, the South Coast CWMA will host a public meeting with our full group of partners to prioritize weed species by geography and objectives (for example, new infestations, outlier sites, riparian corridors, etc.) and standardize treatments based on BMPs and local knowledge/experience. Natural resource managers and anyone from the community is welcome and encouraged to attend these meetings. For more info, contact [email protected].
Join a committee
Joining a committee is a great way to help the CWMA increase public awareness of local noxious weeds and invasive plant species that threaten South Coast landscapes. The CWMA is in the process of forming an outreach committee. If interested in joining, email [email protected].
Outreach committee goals
- Provide land managers and the public with the knowledge to identify and report noxious weeds
- Develop flyers and handouts (e.g., Weed of the Month)
- Participate in local events, such as the county fair, fishing derbies, and Gorse Blossom Festival
- Plan/coordinate participation in public weed management activities, such as “Pulling Together,” Earth Day, SOLVE, and National Public Lands Day events