South Coast CWMA

Who We Are

The South Coast Cooperative Weed Management Area (CWMA) is an integrated invasive plant management cooperative located on Oregon’s South Coast, representing both Coos and Curry Counties. CWMAs are non-governmental, non-regulatory, grant-funded organizations that facilitate collaboration across jurisdictional boundaries for more effective management of noxious weeds.

The South Coast is a beautiful part of Oregon, known for its rugged coastline, nutrient-rich estuaries, productive forests, and pristine spawning grounds. All of these areas provide critical habitat to many iconic species, such as the coho salmon. The South Coast CWMA region is just as fragile as it is beautiful; one of the most pressing threats comes from noxious weeds, which adversely affect native plant and animal communities, impact water quality, impair forest and agricultural productivity, and subsequently negatively affect the economy.

Our approach focuses on prevention, education and outreach, and Early Detection, Rapid Response (identifying and removing new infestations early in the invasion cycle before they become well established, widespread, and much more damaging to natural resources).

Our Goals

  1. Support members in the prevention and control of harmful invasive plant species through education and cooperative among willing land managers on the South Coast.
  2. Assist County Weed Control District Advisory Boards in determining priority species for targeted control.
  3. Conduct Outreach and Education events that benefit all members and the general public.

Our Partners

Weeds know no boundaries! In order to control their spread across landscapes, we partner with city, county, state, and federal agencies, timber industries, contractors, and watershed councils. Successful and cost-effective weed management takes all of us working together!